Monday, June 9, 2008

Dahl's NFL Future

I've always wondered how unsatisfying it would be to win a championship at any level, but to be injured and unable to play while your teammates win the team's season-ending game. I would think that it would put a fire in your gut and push you continuously through the offseason.

That was the situation facing former NDSU standout Craig Dahl last season, after he played in nine games for the New York Giants last season, but tore up his knee prior to the Giants defeating the Patriots in the Super Bowl.

Dahl was released after the season ended and is rehabbing in hopes of latching on with the Giants again, or another of the league's teams. I would think as long as he can prove he has recovered from the knee injury, he should be A-OK. Not to downgrade his injury, certainly a torn ACL has ended many a career, but it seems like it isn't anywhere near the career-ender that it was 10 and 15 years ago. My gut tells me Dahl should be fine.

I'm guessing he would be an asset that most teams would like to have on their roster and basically I got that same impression from Jeff Kolpack's story today in the Forum. To give that story a read, click here.


Anonymous said...


Ost said...

Brain is pudding these days...