Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Question and Answer: Weston Dressler

KO - Today we are talking a little shop with former Bismarck Demon and University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux standout Weston Dressler, who is currently in the Canadian Football Leagues' Saskatchewan Roughriders. I certainly appreciate the time Weston, but let's not waste any time talking about me. Let's talk about you.

1. How exciting has the last couple of weeks been with preparing for your first pro preseason game?

WD – The last couple of weeks have been exciting. I’ve learned a lot about the CFL game and I’m just trying to continue learning and improving every day.

2. KO - Talk a little bit about that first game. What was it like going into that kind of atmosphere? Obviously you know how to play the game, but did everything feel brand new?

WD – The first game was very fun. The fans here are amazing and they make the games fun for the players and fans.

3. KO - You didn't record a reception in your first game, but I'm guessing that first experience isn't about stats. Was it more a process of seeing how well you made reads and how quickly you were able adapt to the situations presented? How crazy was it settling under a punt for the first time, getting ready to return it?

WD – I learned a lot from the two pre-season games. The game is different from what I’m used to and those games helped me become more accustomed to it. I’m starting to feel more comfortable on the field now and I just need to focus on continuing to learn the game.

4. KO - Do you have anything in store for the next time you meet up with British Columbia? Don't you guys open the regular season against them?

WD – We actually play Edmonton in our first regular season game this weekend. We play B.C. in week 2. Each week of preparation is a little different studying player and team tendencies.

5. KO - Do you have any pregame rituals that seem to stand out as quirky or a little superstitious?

WD – Nothing out of the ordinary. I usually listen to some music to help keep me relaxed and not get overly excited before the game.

6. KO - Entering a program like Saskatchewan, a team that won the Grey Cup last season and has made the playoffs six years straight, is there quite a bit of pressure to step in and do well? How do you handle that pressure?

WD – Winning the Grey Cup last year the Riders have a pretty good team. This has helped me coming in as I get to play with and learn from some the best players in the league. I’ve always had high expectations for myself and the teams I have played on so the outside pressures don’t bother me too much.

7. KO - What do you see as your role on the team and what do you want your role to be on the team? What kind of work are you putting in to accomplish that?

WD – As an incoming rookie its hard to tell exactly what my role on the team will be. I just want to do anything I can to help the team win. Every week I need to be as prepared as I can both physically and mentally to do that.

8. KO - Any older players that have taken you under their wing? I would think all of a sudden being a rookie after gaining a bit of celebrity status while at Bismarck and while at UND would have to be strange getting used to. Any interesting rookie hazing stories?

WD – The veteran players have been real helpful. They understand what it takes to win and on the field they do whatever they can to help the rookies understand the game better. The rookie hazing comes after practice and in meetings. We won’t get into that now, but so far it hasn’t been bad.

9. KO - What does one for for fun outside of football in Saskatchewan?

WD – Honestly during training camp there isn’t much time outside of football and when we do get some free time its spent resting. Now that the season is starting we will have more time. I’ve checked a few golf courses in town and I’m hoping to get out on the links one of these days.

10. KO - Any advice for any high school or college football players that have the dream of playing professional ball?

WD – I have always been a believer in goal setting. Set goals for yourself that you can evaluate on a daily basis. Set short-term goals to help you achieve your long-term goals. Always continue to evaluate your goals. Sometimes they need to be changed, set them higher or sometimes lower from your initial expectations. Most importantly work as hard as you possibly can in everything you do. Get in the habit of always working hard.

KO - Fantasic stuff, and that about wraps it up. Again man, I sure do appreciate the time. Best of luck wherever your adventures take you and take care. Anything else you'd like to add?

WD - I would like to say thank you to everyone in Bismarck, Grand Forks and North Dakota. The support and blessings I have received is truly remarkable and it makes it fun and enjoyable for me. Thank you.

Note: You can keep up with Dressler all season by going to to the Saskatchewan Roughriders website. Click here for a link to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ost, you should record your interviews and post them on here. That'd be sweet.